The film, which was delayed due to the pandemic, is based mostly on 1 of the most well-known incidents from Maratha heritage – the Battle of Pavan Khind. At the outset, the makers make it clear that this is not a complete documentation of the fight, its prelude or aftermath, but a cinematic recreation meant to showcase the bravery of the Marathas associated in this fight. So, there are cinematic liberties taken in this retelling, but the crux of the story is maintained.
The story about the Fight of Pavan Khind (before recognized as Ghod Khind) and the bravery shown by Bajiprabhu Deshpande and the Bandal army of 600 from the Siddhi Masud and the troopers of the Adilshahi Sultanate is well regarded across Maharashtra. The final result – Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj’s effective escape from Panhalgad to Vishalgad. But, does Lanjekar do well in recreating this essential chapter from Marathi record on display? Certainly!
Pawankhind is a extensive cinematic experience that is in shape for the major monitor. The movie is ambitious in striving to examine this story in two and a 50 % hrs, but it largely succeeds in producing the right build up and atmosphere that leads to a amazing climax. From laying out the purpose and the characters associated in it, to the siege of Panhala by Siddhi Jauhar, the escape program and the actual battle, Pawankhind lays out all its playing cards in front you chronologically, while inducing a dose of heritage, drama and even comic reduction in involving. The movie doesn’t miss out on out on offering owing credit score to the vast majority of the generals who helped Shivaji Maharaj realise his desire of Swarajya.
As for the actors, it’s not an straightforward process to provide some of the most perfectly –known names from the Marathi film and Television set industry with each other in a multi-starrer of this scale. But the casting section and makers pull off this feat. Chinmay Mandlekar as Shivaji Maharaj, Ajay Purkar as Bajiprabhu Deshpande, Sameer Dharmadhikari as Siddhi Jauhar, Aastad Kale as Siddhi Masud, Ankit Mohan as Rayaji Bandal, Mrinal Kulkarni as Maasaheb Jijau, Akshay Waghmare as Koyaji Bandal just about every actor has presented his finest to their roles. Even the supporting cast has some memorable performances from Kshitee Jog as Badi Begum, Harish Dudhade as Bahirji Naik, Shivraj Waichal as Harpya, Rishi Saxena as Rustam Zaman. An additional noteworthy general performance that stands out is that of Ajinkya Nanaware as Shiva Kashid, the man who resembled Shivaji Maharaj and sacrificed himself for his king. The scenes involving Ajinkya and Chinmay are certain to convey tears to your eyes.
Although Pawankhind excels in storytelling, the technological elements, while excellent, could have been greater. The background score overpowers dialogues in some vital scenes, and the motion choreography in some scenes fails to make the slash. On the other hand, all claimed and carried out, the whole team has done its very best to make this a massive display practical experience. Possibly with a bigger spending plan, these points can be ironed out in the pursuing movies of Lanjekar’s series.
For now, Pawankhind is a good enjoy, and at the cinemas only.