Have you at any time questioned what traditional Japanese sushi and Mexican food stuff develop? Quite a few years in the past in Mexico, a blend of Mexican meals ingredients and Japanese style had been made use of to build a fusion dish regarded as Sonoran sushi.
Traditional Japanese sushi’s principal ingredient is vinegared rice. Sonoran sushi rolls have individuals base substances like rice and seaweed, but with their personal twist.
In this week’s episode of Valley 101, a podcast from The Arizona Republic and azcentral.com, we’re diving into how this fusion started and why it is really starting to be additional well known.
We’ll break down the episode into a few elements. First, we’re getting a trip down to Puerto Peñasco, commonly recognised to Arizonans as Rocky Position, to look at out a local sushi cafe. Then The Republic’s eating critic, Andi Berlin, will join Valley 101 to give listeners a sense of how Tucson and Southern Arizona has produced by itself regarded for its Mexican Sushi.
And last but not least, you will hear from a community Valley restaurant proprietor who was one of the to start with to introduce this foodstuff pattern to metro Phoenix.
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Take note: Valley 101 is intended to be read. But we also offer a transcript of the episode script. There may be slight deviations from the podcast audio.
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